Ibanez RG Body Re-build
I bought an Ibanez EX back in 1999/2000 for $250. Served me a few years throughout high school and then sat in my parents closet for 14 years. Pulled it out, dusted it off, re-lived old memories, then slowly got to work.
It needed all new electronics and hardware, but the neck and body seemed fine. I did want to change one major design flaw present on this strange EX series guitar: the massive strat style round over on the body. The original plan was to rout out the edges and glue in strips of wood to give the edge profile a more modern, RG look. That sort of worked, but over time the strips of wood moved and cracked the paint and clear coat in several places.
So I started from scratch, building a new body from a blank of Alder. This is the process.
And the finished product! Great success!